Others, unfortunately, were manipulated affairs and a vehicle for those who couldn't master the bull without a bit of pre-show sabotage.
Bulls are typically isolated in small cells and starved of sustenance and comfortable surroundings. They are harpooned upon entering the ring and further debilitated. By the time one is dragged off for dead, the torero has provided an eyeful of strutting maneouvres and flourishes to impress his superior wit and skill upon us. Those who know better realise the fight is fixed, and what we are instead witnessing is a form of underhanded blood sport masquerading as art.
If you believe you must attempt to cripple a perceived opponent in order to emerge victorious, ask yourself why. You might tell yourself it's because you thrive on competition and victory, but the reality is you didn't trust in your idea's ability to withstand a true challenge.
And sometimes, the bull finds one last spurt of energy to express how it feels about the situation...