As serendipity would have it, Chris Brogan's email arrived at 2am this morning (yes, I was awake to read it). I'd rather not explain who he is or what he does; you can go here. What I can say is I've always liked his messages, and this particular one bumped me out of a stage I'd been in since mid September.
Unlike Chris, I wasn't dealing with depression or a sense of failure. Without getting into the long, gory details, it really came down to a moment in time when a "What if?" opportunity began to consume me.
I can't do anything about the situation right now. It's a question of timing in life, and the ability to take an unprecedented chance on another clearly available course. But dancing with things like this isn't new for me: I've spent my entire Life exploring its aspects at sometimes Xtreme or uncommon levels. Though I'm still very much that eagle which soars and commands its domain, the wisdom of my years has tempered the unceasing urge for flight. This change, if made, would reverberate at a grand scale. What to do...if to do...how to do...when to do...
Or not.
So there I sat for over a month, contemplating "what if" and "should I?" whilst going through the motions of business and social activities. Along came Chris's post, and I was reminded that I didn't have to remain in my cave until I could emerge with a profound and definitive course of action. To do so would have bred fear, fear of failure, and a funk I don't have the luxury of indulging.
Not a big 'aha' here, but certainly an appreciation for the value of each moment and the reminders/lessons it can bring.
Back to flowing....