The Same Reason They Hate You In Real Life
By Josh Wolford
And does it truly take an in-depth study to explain why we're defriending? The person who drones on in 3D is likely to do so virtually. People we don't know well will lurk and give us the creeps, much in the same way they would if they silently watched our every move from across a large ballroom. The constant self-promoter is eventually revealed as insecure and needy, wanting too much of our time and attention. The drama queen becomes a tedious bore, struggling valiantly to emerge victorious over The Boy Who Cried Wolf and Chicken Little.
We're inundated with self-described expert opinions which advise us to reach out to thousands lest we be deemed cave-dwelling anti-socials. Chatting up our near and far friends, families, and colleagues about our lives isn't enough.
In the 80s and 90s we swapped business cards with everyone in the hopes of later connecting. Many of them instead ended up in neat portfolios or our desks. Had we learned some were truly undesirable sorts, we'd suddenly become less available and attempt to finesse them out of our lives. Fast forward to the 2.0 world and it is no wonder we 'loose friends' on Facebook amidst our efforts to amass a similar audience.
Out of curiosity, what are some of the reasons you've defriended or loosed friends on Facebook?