SMB150 + Women in Technology = Bright Future
Michelle Ragusa
I am honored and privileged to have been nominated and awarded a second year in a row for the SMB150! Over the past several months, hundreds of IT professionals from around the world have been engaged in the SMB 150 Channel Influencers contest. The SMB 150, which is a collaboration between SMB Nation and SMB Technology Network, declaring the third annual SMB technology channel's list of its 150 most influential members.
"I encourage everyone in the SMB channel community to join with me in recognizing and celebrating the winners of this year’s SMB 150," said Harry Brelsford, Founder and Chairman, SMB Nation. "Each individual whose name appears on this esteemed list has strived to ensure that our SMB community is one that will continue to thrive and succeed. I am beyond excited to toast them at the awards dinner on May 4 in Redmond."
The following is the list of esteemed winners:
Aaron Booker Abhijit Chatterjee Akash Saraf Alan Helbush Alan Schrater Alan Weinberger Alex Rogers Ali Din Allen Miller Amy Babinchak Amy Luby Andy Goodman Andy Harper Anurag Agrawal Arlin Sorensen Arnie Bellini Ashutosh Tiwary Austin McChord Barbara Dove Bill Hole Bob Godgart Bob Nitrio Bob Vogel Brett Jaffe Brian Burch Brian Laufer Brian Sherman Carl Mazzanti Carlos Fernando Paleo da Rocha Carlson Colomb Cecilia Galvin Charles Weaver Chris Amori Chris Bangs Chris Chase Chris Sterbenc Christy Sacco Cindy Bates Cliff Galiher Corey Simpson Curtis Hicks Dan Tervo Dana M. Epp Dave Sobel David Bellini David Johnson David Spire Debi Bush Dina Moskowitz Dona Keating Ebrahim Keshavarz Ed Correia Elvis Guštin Eric Ligman Eric Townsend Frank Ernesto Frank Gurnee Gary Pica Greg Starks Herman Pool Hilton Travis Howard Cunningham Ian Moyse Jacob Braun James Foxall James Kernan Jamison West Jan Spring Jane Cage Jason Coffer Jay Epton Jay Ferron Jay McBain Jeannine Edwards Jeff Middleton | Jeff Ragusa Jeremiah Ilges Jerry Koutavas Jessica Devita Jim Sterling Jim Turner Joe Hillis Joe Panettieri John Krikke Josh Freifield Justin Crotty Karen Guarino Kate Hunt Keith Nelson Ken Edwards Kenneth May Kevin Royalty Larry Doyle Larry Schulze Larry Walsh Lawrence Hsu Len DiCostanzo Leonard Dimiceli Linda Brotherton Mark Crall Mark Hicks Matt Makowicz Michael Jenkin Michael O'Connell Michael Reuben Michael Siggins Michelle Ragusa Mitch Garvis MJ Shoer Nancy Hammervik Nancy Williams Paul Dippell Peter Sandiford Philip Elder Praerit Garg Ramon L. Garcia Ramon Ray Rayanne Buchianico Richard Kenyon Richard Tubb Rick Bahl Rob T Rae Robb Patterson Robert Cohen Robert Crane Robin Robins Robyn Davis Scott Barlow Scott Scrogin Scott Wharton Shari Godgart Steve Harper Steve Noel Steven Banks Steven Cullen Steven Teiger Stuart Crawford Stuart Selbst Suresh Ramani Susan Bradley Ted Hulsy Ted Roller Thomas Fox Tim Barrett Todd Thibodeaux Travis Austin Vince Tinnirello Vlad Mazek Wayne Small Zak Karsan |
In my blog last year, Chic and Geek, I took a look at the amount of women represented in this and various other awards and lists, as nominees and winners. Statistically, women make up approximately 10 % of the IT Industry. Although I know we (as women) represent a minority in the IT community, I was surprised to see how few women make up the percentage of leaders and influencers in the IT industry.

A huge kudos to the community vote, and esteemed panel of industry experts consisting of Harry Brelsford, (SMB Nation); Karl Palachuk, (Great Little Book Publishing Co., Inc.); Josh Peterson, (MSP Score); Dave Seibert, (IT Innovators); and Dan Wensley, (Level Platforms), evaluated each nominee based on a pre-established criteria, on the recognition of such wonderful and diverse list of men and women on this years award recipients.