Today's was about The Golden Rule and many of its offshoots. Treat People The Way You'd Like to be Treated. If You Can't Say Something Nice, Don't Say Anything. Say 'Thank You'. Obvious ones we might all agree with and nod our heads to when hearing or reading about them. And yet, too often we dispense with those basic tenets when in a rush, preoccupied, or simply going about having our needs met.
Late spring through summer has been excruciatingly busy for me as I worked on several projects with September deadlines. As a result, I've been very slow to respond to personal or non-essential email. I'm sure some colleagues, acquaintances and even friends think me a lout for getting back to them weeks later - if at all.
I appreciate the Golden Rules and value they hold in a civil society, but am a bit more generous these days when it comes to those who fall short. Nonetheless, today was a reminder to get back on track with the practise of basic human decency.