We are generally of similar mind when it comes to the majority of these topics, though I must say I don't share his draconian view of a society lost with regard to manners.
Still, it was hard to ignore the truth in his comments per my own experiences: occasions when I received emails from a friend, acquaintance, or colleague requesting a favour without so much as a personal greeting or 'hope you and family are well'. Silence after reaching out (or in) to honour those I know when I learned of their achievements, or to offer an ear or good will when I received information that all may not be well.
We live in a hyper-distracted world where some can no longer be bothered with expressing gratitude that someone took a moment out of their day to care. Don't get me w wrong -- I'm sometimes as plugged into work and technology as the next person. Nonetheless, I'm a bit of a throwback when it comes to taking the time for the little things, making the effort to engage in a meaningful way.

Once I reached my perch, I sat for hours taking in the smell, sounds, and sights...watching a feather float, twirl, glide, and dive. Occasionally it would caress a landing, but inevitably it rose again to wind its way on the path to nowhere and everywhere. By the time I decided to depart for my next destination, the feather had still not made its approach towards the bottom of the canyon. The Floating Feather had no agenda as it danced and surrendered to the wind and elements on each aspect of its journey. Whether it reached the bottom of the canyon or found a final destination wasn't the point.

So back to my colleague.
For the past few months, his email signature line read (And yes, he's an attorney; don't hate him): “A lawyer can be firm and tough-minded while being unfailingly courteous. Indeed, there is a real power that comes from maintaining one’s dignity in the face of a tantrum, from returning courtesy for rudeness, from treating people respectfully who do not deserve respect, and from refusing to respond in kind to personal insult.” - Lander v Council of the Law Society of The Australian Capital Territory [2009] ACTSC 117 at paragraph 24 (22)".
Needless to say, I've borrowed this spot on sentiment.