The basic premise is there are three consulting business models, and the more traditional solution-shop model is at risk of being disrupted by other models. According to the article, the main differences among them are as follows:
Solution Shop
- Structured to diagnose and solve problems whose scope is undefined
- Delivers value primarily through consultants’ judgment rather than through repeatable processes
- Customers pay high prices in the form of fee-for-serviceExamples: McKinsey, Bain, BCG, IDEO
Examples: McKinsey, Bain, BCG, IDEO
Value-Added Process Business
- Structured to address problems of defined scope with standard processes
- Processes are usually repeatable and controllable
- Customers pay for output only
Examples: Motista, Salesforce.com, McKinsey Solutions
Accenture, Deloitte (both moving toward solution shop)
Facilitated Network
- Structured to enable the exchange of products and services
- Customers pay fees to the network, which in turn pays the service provider
Examples: OpenIDEO, CEB, Gerson Lehrman Group, Eden McCallum, BTG
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