I digress.
Tonight I took a quick detour into Facebook to see what (if anything) I'd missed over the last couple of days. Other than the opportunity to spread birthday cheer to several connections, it came down to the old 'plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose'. In other words, not much. There was one 'debate' in which my husband was involved about affirmative action, Obama, and radical Muslim extremists, but it wasn't very long or in depth.

Sometimes it isn't always easy to see if a kitchen is dirty, and thus truly assess the quality of food one ingests. However, over time the source and method are revealed, and one must choose whether or not an aspect of the meal is worth getting a bit of unclean matter stuck in your teeth.
I know, I know....greasy spoons hold appeal. And just when you think you have these things neatly sorted out, here comes the haute cuisine of edible dirt. Heh. Bon Appétit!